It’s 4:40am. I haven’t slept a wink. My brain will not rest. It will not relax, or slow, or wind down. It is dizzy, and buzzing, and full...

Grandma: a lesson on grief
Nobody likes talking about death, even though it is the most inevitable thing we have in this life, perhaps. We are all destined to die.....
23 things I've learnt in 23 years
My birthday is in July, but I will be abroad, travelling and having the time of my life most likely when my birthday comes to be... and...
Depression: a series (Part 1)
It would be great if you could listen to the song, "Atlas: Touch" by Sleeping At Last while you read the first part. I wrote this section...
5 Things About Life With An Auto-Immune Disease
It's Coeliac Disease Awareness Week, so I thought this would be an appropriate piece to write, considering it's been 7 years for me this...
Ever since I was brought into this world, I’ve been a fidgeter. I was born weeks early; couldn't even reach full term in my Mother's...
Our disconnect with our creator, the Earth
People believe in different things, and I get that. Especially in regards to religion. We can't see anything, nothing can be proven. And...
I was walking in the city a few weeks ago, relatively aimless: simply wandering, exploring. I rarely come in to the bustle of the city...
At the moment, I'm trying to be less human, And more sunflower. Less worry, Less comparison, Less drooping, Less sinking, Less frowning....
My New Addiction: Social Media Detoxes
Since having somewhat of an "online following", I've felt inclined to be online more and more. Since finding my enjoyment for content...